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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Is there a SWAMP in Pocahontas County?

It is very logical that due to so many inconsistencies that the County since the services MUST be provided create a Agency/Department that is the County Fire and Rescue authority.

 That they can take over it all, or contract it out. But all of that will have to be fully open to the public, transparent, and uniform. Here's the rub, the County is lazy, corrupt and doe snot do things properly either, but why not make this all about an opportunity to "drain the swamp" and fix all of this. 

To have everything uniform and consistent to what others in the state have and do, to be fully legal, above board, and making sure that all entities involved, and if done through sub contracting that those subcontractors such as BFD are shown and educated on how to run a corporation legally. 

Because so many just are total b..t, and don't even try which is very clear. Look why not contact the Small business administration and admit the ignorance and get help on learning how to do what was supposed on Time to Spill Buster

1 comment:

  1. There is a swamp in Pocahontas and a bigger one in D.C.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County