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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

How Much More do you want it to be illegal?

This weapon was outlawed in American.  It was a "controled" gun.  It's obvious that "gun control" doesn't work.

Although fully automatic weapons are not legally available for civilian use, experts say audio of the Las Vegas shooting makes it sound like an automatic weapon was used. This could mean the suspect, Stephen Paddock, illegally obtained a fully automatic weapon or “that a weapon could have been modified to fire faster, a change to a semiautomatic firearms known as bump or slide fire.”

Point: Gun control doesn't work.  There are a lot of people who wish they had had a gun in  their hands when this massacre went down.


  1. How can a man who purports to be a preacher be opposed to gun control? There will be more than 400 mass shootings this year according to the FBI, the same as last year and the same as next year. This year more than 33,000 Americans in this country will die from guns. Alcohol control doesn't work. Are you in favor of drunk drivers and alcoholics, too? Strange, you don't appear to like drunks (Grant who became a Republican president, if I remember correctly) but you do like abusive slave masters (Lee). Drug control doesn't work. Are you in favor of legalizing all drugs? While we are at it, why don't we merely legalize everything and put jails and prisons out of business?

  2. If everyone in Las Vegas had a gun, the result would be no different. It too the police a long time to locate the shooter. The only way to prevent this mess is if no one had any guns.

    1. it turns out that his position was found because a smoke detector went off in his room because of all the gun smoke from him firing hundreds of rounds

    2. Congrats future slave. You have the right idea.

  3. Do you want to know why "gun control" doesn't work? It is because there isn't any gun control. Why isn't there any gun control? It is because total idiots in Congress refuse to pass any legislation creating gun control. See the following link in which Republicans in Congress defeated a law which would ban gun sales to people on terrorist watch lists. How damn stupid is that?????

    1. Another future slave. Congrats. Wear those chains proudly!

  4. hey our former sheriff and a deputy have these very same guns and the chief proudly shows them off to visitors his kid has two of them .....james petite is at the nrao rifle range all the time .....I wonder what with his military style hair cut and his ar 15 why isn`t he in the front lines in ahfkanistan with the real can hear the rat tat tat of automatic gun fire at that gun range .....

  5. funny if you want to buy clariton for your allergies you are limited to just ten pills because meth heads cook meth with them but you can buy all the ammo and guns you want why ! one day we as a country will get fed up and change a stupid sentence in the second amendment that has been used for this slaughter that occurs every three weeks now ..... that amendment was written to protect against a slave revolt in the 17th century south and now the gun makers cash in ..... I wonder if this wonder lust for guns isn`t for guys with insufficient male equipment ???? you know makes up because less then 3 % of americans are against gun control

    1. What do you mean "slaughter that occurs every three weeks now"? According to FBI statistics there is on average more than one mass shooting every day in this country. A mass shooting in one in which four or more people get shot. Mass shootings are so common that they are not news except for the very largest ones. Shootings in which "only" two or three people get shot barely make local news.

    2. 3% ??? Here is a study of those who are for or against gun control:

  6. norman one time I heard you say in a sermon from the pulpit that you are a conservative and I remember thinking that Christ wasn`t a conservative he was a radical and at no time did he preach about killing people

    1. i think it's best you back off! Norman is a great Pastor and christian NO one can preach like him and for you to say other wise is wrong You go to church and you attack your Pastor what kind of low life does that?

  7. Well answer me this, Why is the NRA fighting to keep smart guns out of the hands of Americans? Smart guns can only be fired by the owner. That means if a child gets a hold of it. It will not work. If it is stolen, guess what it will not work. The NRA has stopped every gun store from selling them. I would love to own this gun but can not buy one. Why is the NRA fighting so hard? I was told they fight for my rights as a gun owner? I think not it's about lining their own pockets.

    1. Because "smart guns" are stupid. It is a fallacy and a non starter for being a product that works. Imagine it is your gun, and this complicated ID system is for YOU. But someone comes into your home to rape, torture and murder you family while you are not there. THEY ALL should be able to use that tool being that purchased gun to protect themselves and others. Also electronic systems fail, and require power of some sort, imagine the immense failures here when someone believes they have a tool for the job only to discover it will not work. Also then there is no ability for an owner of their legal property to be able to trade or sell it as it just becomes a very expensive door stop as you state it won't work for anyone else. Smart guns is the dumbest idea ever, and only those who have no idea what they are talking about push that sort of total BS. Same as the non sequitor illogical BS of a government stating that since disruptions to our power-grid are inevitable, that they want to remove all physical paper fiat currency and replace it all with only electronic credits currency and records. This is insane, and yet this the what is fully proposed by globalists, and "progressives" who are the brainwashed monkey brains for the globalist.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County