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Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Fourth Amendment Has Officially Been Cancelled in Pocahontas County

It is hard to believe that this happened anywhere but it it is even harder to believe that it happened in Pocahontas County.  This lady could be any farm wife but this story speaks of how bad the legal system has become in Pocahontas County.  Watch carefully!    Here is her story:
1.  She had her animals taken without a warrant.

2.  She was charged criminally.

3.  She can not have any animal around her for five years.

4.  The Humane Society took her daughters beloved pets.

5.  Her 28 year old daughter is autistic, blind, down's syndrome with the mind of a three year old. 

6.  The daughter cannot sleep at night grieving for her pet animals.

7.  When they asked to see the search warrant they were told that it was in the police car and it was none of their "damn business."

8.  No search warrant has ever been produced to this day.

9.  The magistrate claims that she gave the police a "verbal" ok to seize her animals.

10.  When she got around to doing the order, she "backdated" it with the approval of the assistant prosecuting attorney.

11.  Her chickens provided a small income and put eggs on the table.  

12.  They took her birds away and the animal police are keeping one of them in their office for a decoration.

13.  They came at 8:30 at night to take her animals.

14.  She was not allowed to have any witnesses at her trial.

15.  Her lawyer let her be ridiculed and defamed in court.

16.  Her lawyer had to be replaced by another public defender because she is doing so a poor job defending her clients.

The goal:  The Humane Society was trying to make an "example" of her.

You could be the next victim!!!!!!

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United 

States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that 

prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and 

requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and

 supported by probable cause.

1 comment:

  1. norman aint this the same woman that was bragging and laughing about you being arrested without a warrant on beautiful pocahontas a few years ago?


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County